Te Haahi Mihingare
Te Whakairo a Te Tai Tokerau:
Hoea te waka rongopai, ki te ako,
ki te kawe i te rongopai,
ki te whakamana i ngā kaihoe
o Te Taitokerau kia meinga
hei ākonga ma te Karaiti
Nau mai, Haere mai,
ki Ōrongonui
Te Kura Mihingare
o Te Tai Tokerau!
Ōrongonui Courses:
Te Reo Mihingare
This is a graduated course building competency in speaking Te Reo and leading liturgy. It is intended to enhance Te Reo Māori studies in 2021 to a level that normalizes Te Reo and enables students to lead karakia and to preach in Te Reo by the end of Tau 3.
Kauwhau Mihingare
This course is a praxis of the theoretical framework of preaching with a practicum component where students prepare kauwhau which are delivered with peer and tutorial review in class.
Ngā Kōrero Karaipiture
Tau 1 studies the Five Books of Moses, Tau 2 the rest of the Old Testament and Tau 3 the New Testament. Students explore the historical context of the readings and practice facilitating Bible Study with an application of the scripture in a Māori context.
Karakia Mihingare
A study of the praxis of Mihingare liturgy where students study theory and develop a toolbox or kete of liturgy in a variety of ministry contexts.
Te Hāhi Mihingare
Comprises studies in Te Whakapapa o Te Hāhi Mihingare from the autonomous years through to the era of the constitutional partnership.
Mana Mihingare
A study of theology from a Māori perspective.
Mihingare lead karakia and Bible Study with whanau in the home.
Registrations available now for Hui Raumati:
Te Wā: Friday January 8 – Tuesday January 12, 2021
Te Wāhi: Te Karaiti te Aranga, Kamo
Waea Mai: Tainui Honetana-Payne
Te Pouawhina Ōrongonui
Te Karaiti te Aranga, 10 Boswell St, Kamo
Phone 0800 181 020, or txt 021 529 445
Ākonga from throughout Te Pihopatanga o Te Tai Tokerau enjoy whanaungatanga and are equipped for ministry within their whānau, kāinga, marae and their hāhi.
Deliveries of all Ōrongonui Courses are held at Te Karaiti te Aranga in Kamo beginning with Hui Raumati in January, followed by 4 weekend Hui Hiranga and 3 weekend Wānanga-i-Te Reo. Block courses are held for other workshops.
There are voluntary Hui Rāranga every week via zoom,
where ākonga collaborate and receive tutorial assistance.
Piki Mai! Kake Mai!
“E rite ana te rangatiratanga o te Atua ki te pua nanī,
i tōna whakatōkanga ki te whenua,
ko te iti rawa ia o ngā purapura katoa
i runga i te whenua.
Otirā, ka oti te whakatō, ka tupu,
ka nui ake i ngā otaota katoa,
ā, ka nunui ōna manga;
nō ka noho ngā manu o te rangi
i tōna taumarumarutanga iho.”
Māka 4:30-32